Wednesday, October 3, 2007

New Developments

Last night while watching House (and Bones before that) I worked on a shawl from Wrapped in Comfort, which I'm making in Noro Transitions. I'm not sure which House character it goes with--but no doubt one of the 30-odd job applicants would be a fit. I DID finish the socks I was working on during last week's House, but I don't know whether they count as a finished House project since I worked on them at other times as well.

I felt a bit overwhelmed by the sheer number of characters on this week's episode, but there are a few I hope will become regulars--particularly the older fellow who audited all those med school classes, but never got a degree. I'm interested to see how things will develop between him and House. (Will House have to be more defertial to an "elder"?)

I vote "no" on Cameron's new haircolor. What is it with all these brunettes who go blonde? To me they always seem warmer and more approachable with their original hair color.

Thank goodness we got a small Cameron and Chase fix. But I'm getting nervous that we really have lost Foreman.

1 comment:

Michelle said...


I believe the shawl goes with Foreman, who's likely to knit a beautiful lace shawl for his mom in mohair ;-)