Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Cuddy, Foreman and House

Slight change of opinion for the esteemed Lisa Cuddy. She wants one of these, but in black. Another House fan in the office suggested Cuddy needs a tote big enough to carry around all of the paperwork for the current lawsuit involving her brightest and most problematic staff member. Personally, I'm sure she has a Coach briefcase, but she would be open to some knitterly style in a handbag...

For House, I propose that either Cuddy finally turns up pregnant and knits through her pregnancy hormone surges and makes him a rather plain-john, sturdy scarf, or his mother will be prescribed knitting by her own therapist, and will send her son the same basic, beginner knitter's scarf in a rather uninspired heather grey.

Foreman? In an effort to prove how unlike House he is, he'll sign up for a knitting class at the Y. Always the overachiever, his first project will be a nice wrap for his mother, but it's in a worsted mohair, so it's do-able!


Michelle said...

heheheh LMAO!!!!! Soooo right on the money!

Wendy said...

Oh, I love the idea for the "House" project... and Foreman's is good too.

Wendy said...

Ok. so I also must admit that I missed the season opener last night. Dave had relatives in from New Zealand and there was a family dinner all the way down in Orange (Chan you'll understand the travel issues here when we both had to work a full day yesterday.) Can one of you post on what happened???? I'm dying to know!!!